Simply Hae Mee.

Today's featured lunch is the good old Singapore Prawn Noodle soup. Please do not confuse it with the other more famous Hokkien Prawn Noodles which is a stir fried version with different ingredients.You could easily find many stalls in Singapore selling Big Prawns noodles or with many other variations. But to me, the good traditional way of serving Praawn Noodles beat the fanciful versions any day.  This dish is my comfort food for me as my dear Mother makes the best version of it. Even friends of mine who have the privilege of savouring a bowl at ours will always tell me how much they miss my Mum's Prawn Noodles. Unfortunately, we have stopped cooking Prawn Noodles as often as my family is more health conscious.

Eggs and Pinca time!

Hi to everyone who dropped by today! And a Happy Easter to you or in Croatia we say "Sretan Uskrs!" For those who are wondering, Mr K has just informed me that "Uskrsno" means "Reborn" in Croatian language.

The Happy Fish Dumplings Noodles.

Today's featured food is not exactly an original Singaporean dish. However, it is a spun-off from the Wanton Noodles. The "skinny" noodles or Mee Kia as they are known affectionately in Singapore (because it sounds like the son of the thicker noodles!) are commonly used in Wanton Noodles dishes. The yellowness of the noodles used to be attributed to the alkaline salt.

Mee Rebus means Boiled Noodles in Malay.

Hi all who have chanced upon this page, welcome to my humble Blog that seeks to spread a little love through our connection to Food. At the same time, I hope you could find useful information and pass it on to another person. 

Today, I've decided to document my lunches in Singapore and share with you the food that made me me. Beginning with my favourite Malay food, this is the ethnic food that I craved the most when I was living in Europe.

A Yam filled Chinese steamed bun for breakfast!

For those who know me, you will know how much I love my Teochew pastries filled with Yam paste. For those first time here, Teochew is a Chinese dialect from the South of China. My Mum always tell me stories about how good my Great Grandmother was at making our traditional Teochew pastries. Unfortunately, I do not have a chance to learn from the Master, so I had to learn how to make most of my traditional pastries from YouTube or Blogs.

Kuki: What do you mean I'm too skinny?

Recently we brought the three-year-old to his vet for checkup. She took a look at Ku-king and concluded he was too lean. (What?) I was shocked as I always thought he was perfect size. No, no said the vet. He needs to bulk up. 

And you might be wondering why it deserves a post on this blog about food. Well, you see, our Ku-king is rather fussy with his food. Oh and remember never attempt to call him "Fat". He will start to go on a diet.

I couldn't contained my excitement when I finally saw myself on telly this evening. It's been a long journey and I couldn't thank enough all my friends and family that supported me along the way. Minutes after my 5-minute segment was aired, I received 5 new page likes and several enquiries on how to book a tea party at our place. You could directly message me on my facebook page: Ur Resident Chef. Or follow this PlateCulture link.

It's the most festive time of the year for us, Chinese again. And without fail, I will start my cookies baking session. This year I have created additional three new flavours to my collection of Chinese New Year shortbread cookies namely: Hibiscus & Black Sesame (see picture above), Earl Grey & Vanilla (a personal favourite using only vanilla beans instead of extract) and Rose & Pistachio (pretty little biscuits).

Let me introduce this new member of my cookie creations: Hibiscus & Black Sesame.

Apologies for any persons who happen to hope for some new material on this blog. I've been keeping myself busy by hosting Tea Parties at my place. The idea is simple. Friends bring friends and ultimately everyone becomes friends. Voila! The world gets smaller (quoting my dear friend Lin)!

Besides making more friends, we also share knowledge about healthy eating with our guests. Occasionally, we will have themed parties. Just last month, we hosted a successful Cheese Party.

Apple Pie Cake, anyone?

"An Apple a day keeps the doctor away." This is an age old wisdom that every child would have learnt in his school. However, do you know the many health benefits behind this modest fruit besides knowing it tastes sweet and crunchy?

According to research study, consuming one to two apples a day will reduce the risk of heart disease.
Feast for my ears
About the Recipes
About the Recipes
All the recipes in this blog have been tried and tested. Adjustments have been made along the way according to my personal preference. Although you are encouraged to experiment with the quantities of all the ingredients, do not reduce or add the quantities significantly unless you are doubling or halving the recipes. For example, reducing the amount of sugar by half could lead to a cake with lesser volume.
C"est Moi
C"est Moi
In 2006, SheR. flew to UK to pursue her passion in Baking. Trained at London’s National Bakery School, her teachers inspired her in Pastry, Bread and Cake Decorating. While in school, she worked as a Craft Baker in an award-winning bakery where she learnt how to make European breads. Upon graduation, she began her chef journey in the world of French cuisine at London’s Le Pont de la Tour restaurant. Her most memorable moment was making starter for late Baroness Margaret Thatcher. Later on, she went on to work as a Pastry Chef in two London restaurants Quaglino's and Bluebird. She also briefly worked as a pastry chef in 5-star Hotel Mozart at Opatijia (Croatia). When she returned to Singapore, she started learning the ropes of managing a Japanese-run pastry chain and later moved on to manage the pastry kitchen in JP Darcis' shop at Marina Bay Sands Shoppes. Her vast adventures with cultural pastries range from Teochew kuehs to French croissants to the lesser known Croatian kiflice. Currently, she organises tea parties at her home. In Jan ‘16, her tea party was featured on TV (This is Singapore). Her personal goal is to promote clean eating by sharing her knowledge.
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